Acupuncture TCM
Medical Qigong
Agréée ASCA
Docteur en acupuncture, certifié par WFAS
Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise
Place de la Gare 1 ( 4ème étage )
1260 Nyon
Du lundi au vendredi de 07h30 à 18h30
Consultation en français ou anglais
cliquez sur le téléphone pour appeler directement
Qigong Mind Therapy is the ancient way of acupuncture on the meradian points without needles. While Medical Qigong deals with physical problems, Qigong Mind Therapy consists of visualizations combined with a series of gentle movements works on the emotional side.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong, each organ is a different emotional center. This belief is based on the interaction of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) and having profound effects on internal organs, which are either yin or yang. Traditional Chinese medicine also recognizes the mind and body interacting as one, meaning that emotions have a physiological effect on the body.
If you are struggling with stress, anxiety, or pain, dealing with addictions, traumas, or other major emotional challenges, Qigong Mind Therapy can help you very effectively.
Depends on the person's health condition, Qigong Mind Therapy can be used in conjunction with the acupuncture treatement.
Testimonial :
"I had two sessions of Qigong Mind Therapy with Sophie in 2012. At the time, I was struggling with an addiction to the energy drink "Red Bull", As a nurse, I was under a lot of stress, working irregular shift schedules. By then I was drinking 5 - 6 cans a day to help me cope with my fatigue and stress. I was skeptical at first about the therapy. Spèjoe asked me to bring an unopened can of Red Bull to our first session. After 30 minutes, Sophie opened the can and ask me to smell and taste it. To my surprise, I didn't enjoy the smell any more. I had no more craving for this drink. During another 30 minute session, we continued to deal with my emotional attachment to this habit. By the time we finished, I was able to flush this drink down to the toilet, and I never drank it again."
Kimberly C. from U.K.
Qigong Mind Therapy is helpful with the following emotional challenges:
Stress and Distress, Anxiety, Trauma, Panic Attacks, Insomnia, Depression, Grief & Bereavement, Pain, Fear of Rejection, Phobia, Addictions, Weight Loss
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