Acupuncture TCM
Medical Qigong
Agréée ASCA
Docteur en acupuncture, certifié par WFAS
Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise
Place de la Gare 1 ( 4ème étage )
1260 Nyon
Du lundi au vendredi de 07h30 à 18h30
Consultation en français ou anglais
cliquez sur le téléphone pour appeler directement
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years; in fact, the actual Chinese character for acupuncture, translated literally, means "acupuncture-moxibustion." The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi, and maintain general health.
Example of moxibustionMoxibustion is used for:
Doctor often do both acupuncture and moxibustion in the same treatment session when appropriate to the diagnosis and treatment strategy.
These therapies increase each other's effectiveness when used together.
We offer two types of moxibustion therapy : direct and indirect moxibustion.
Non-scarring moxibustion, one of direct moxibustion, which the moxa is placed on the point and lit, but is extinguished or removed before it burns the skin. The patient will experience a pleasant heating sensation that penetrates deep into the skin.
Indirect moxibustion is a method of using a moxa stick, roughly the shape and size of a cigar, and holds it close to the area being treated for several minutes until the area reacts.
Another form of indirect moxibustion Doctor uses often is both acupuncture needles and moxa. A needle is inserted into an acupoint and retained. The tip of the needle is then wrapped in moxa and ignited, generating heat to the point and the surrounding area. After the desired effect is achieved, the moxa is extinguished and the needle(s) removed.
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